More than just an App
GraphPad was designed from the ground up to be part of an integrated system to help contractors in the field. While it has probably the best 2D dimensional drawing engine available on the iPad, its so much more!
Business Forms
GraphPad provides a seamless integration between your business forms and its 2D dimensional drawing engine. With GraphPad, you don't create a drawing than copy it to the appropriate form, you draw directly inside the form itself. You can then email it directly to your customer, coping it to your office.
Integrate with your backend system
Integrate GraphPad with your existing system via a Map View displaying your users appointments. Opening one of your standard forms pre-populates all your customer data!
Libraries of Symbols
GraphPad can be configured with all your standard symbols which are displayed for easy access while creating your drawing. Adding a symbol also automatically updates any tables you have configured, so you can generate a bill of materials while creating your drawing!